For our latest article we are 'On the Move with...' Branden Martucci from Monroe, New York, United States. He is currently studying at Student Athlete Academy and is a 15 year old 5'10 two-way guard.
- How did you get into basketball? I started playing basketball at 4 years old. I would watch it all the time on TV / YouTube and fell in love with the game. When I first picked up a ball, it immediately became my passion. I love the competitiveness and the high speed energy of the game.
- What are your other interests? Other than playing basketball, I enjoy playing video games and hanging out with friends. I love to travel with my family and learning about the history and different cultures. I enjoy car shows and watching car videos on YouTube. I also love spending time with my 11 year old dog.
- Where’s your favourite place you’ve travelled? My favorite place I have ever travelled to was Aruba. The weather was perfect every single day. The ocean is so blue and the water is so still. It had the whitest sand I’ve ever seen.
- Where do you want to travel next? One place that I would love to travel to is Hawaii. Seeing the pictures of how beautiful the scenery is, the unreal mountains, and the history has always been a place that I’ve looked forward to visiting. Pearl Harbor is one of many places that I would like to see while visiting the island.
- What’s inside your travel bag? When I travel for basketball, it’s a must to pack 4 pairs of shoes. I also fit my basketball gear and extra clothes to change into. I always pack my head bands, air pods, apple headphones, and chargers. Pre-wrap and tape are always in my bag as well as protein bars to snack on for after my games / workouts.
- What’s next for you? As I approach the end of my 8th grade year, the next 4 years of my career are very important . This spring and summer I will be playing AAU with Garden State Warriors. I will be attending Don Bosco Prep, located in Ramsey NJ this upcoming September. I’m excited to start my journey as an Ironman.